public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tag js

June 2013


by 1 other
A tiny js+css library to flip elements within a html page


by 1 other
SlimerJS is similar to PhantomJs, except that it runs Gecko, the browser engine of Mozilla Firefox, instead of Webkit.

March 2013

marcolago/flowtime.js · GitHub

Yet another in-browser slideshow library.

October 2012


A Titanium package manager, "à la" npm or Composer

September 2012

Web Audio Demos

by 1 other
A collection of web audio demos


The GitHub repository inject.js, a Dependency Management library...


jsOAuth is a Javascript implimentation of the OAuth protocol which can be used in CommonJS envireonments.

August 2012

Piecon / Pie charts in your favicon!

A tiny javascript library for dynamically generating progress pie charts in your favicons.

Create.js - Make anything editable

A js tool for turning web pages into frontend content-editable pages, using the Aloha or Hello rich text editors

cdnjs - the missing cdn

A CDN for js libraries, hosted and maintained by CloudFlare

Hallo.js - Distraction-free Rich Text Editor for the Web

A rich text editor which has the great quality of being light, simple and fast while still being a pleasure to use.

sigma.js | a lightweight JavaScript graph drawing library

An open-source lightweight JavaScript library to draw graphs, using the HTML canvas element

June 2012

Jed | Gettext Style i18n for Modern JavaScript Apps

An i18n extension for javascript. Nicely developed, might be helpful in web projects.

May 2012


A task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects that makes performing repetitive but necessary tasks such as linting, unit testing, concatenating and minifying files trivial.


by 1 other
Morris.js is a lightweight library that uses jQuery and Raphaël to make drawing time-series graphs easy.


Graphene is a realtime dashboard & graphing toolkit based on D3 and Backbone.


by 4 others
A lightweight jQuery-compatible JavaScript library

February 2012


by 1 other
A simple html5/css3 and javascript execution container, which allows to build desktop applications.

by 1 other
A javascript library for creating interactive realtime graphs.

January 2012

TRICK: Drop real shadows in Titanium (iOS) » Community Questions & Answers » Appcelerator Developer Center

A titanium tip / hack which allows to display real soft shadows under view components in native applications. The created effect is rather impressive!


A from-scratch re-write of jQuery, especially targeted at mobile devices : 12 kB in the minified version!


Wakanda is a js platform which exposes a HTTP server with a datastore and datastore engine, an IDE and a framework. It is intended to help build applications using javascript.

October 2011

Kendo UI - The Art of Web Development

by 1 other
A nifty UI widgets library, very complete and which provides a very descent alternative to jQuery UI.

September 2011


Kranium transfers some well known practices and techniques from web development to Titanium Mobile development.

August 2011

Socketbug - Mobile Web Application Debugging

Socketbug is a Remote Debugging Utility built using Socket.IO, which allows to use modern browsers to remotely debug mobile Web applications.